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Quick link to .3dm to .3dj converter:

sc-peripherals is a Fabric 1.20 CC: Tweaked peripheral mod for the SwitchCraft server. It adds a 3D printer in the style of OpenComputers, and a Wide Format Printer that prints custom posters to display in item frames.

  • .3dj models are printed in-game by running print3d <filename.3dj> on a computer with a 3D Printer peripheral. Legacy OC 3D models can be converted using the .3dm to .3dj converter.
  • .2dj/.2dja images are printed in-game by running poster <filename.2dj(a)> on a computer with a Wide Format Printer peripheral.


Table of Contents


3D Prints


3D Printer

3D Printer

The 3D Printer is a peripheral that can be used to print 3D models in-game. It takes ink cartridges and chamelium to print models, which can be printed with the print3d program for files in the .3dj format.

Differences from OpenComputers

  • The 3D Printer and Ink Cartridge are simpler to craft
    • The Ink Cartridge recipe is crafted as a filled cartridge to begin with, but a refill recipe is still provided
  • 3D Printers do not require the use of energy
  • 3D Printers have externally-visible progress bars for chamelium and ink levels
  • First-class ComputerCraft peripheral API support
  • print3d program included in the ROM by default via a data pack in the mod
    • Printing can be safely terminated by the user, and it will automatically stop after the current item is finished
    • print3d stop command to stop a printer via the CLI
    • Uses 3dj format instead of 3dm (converter here:
  • Default maximum shape count (configurable) for each state of a print raised from 24 to 128
  • The default maximum light level in printed models is now 7 instead of 8 - this is now equivalent to a redstone torch
    • Prints can still be crafted with 8 pieces of glowstone dust to reach maximum brightness level
  • 3D prints are waterloggable
  • The included "white" texture name changed from opencomputers:blocks/white to sc-peripherals:block/white
  • Print models are more efficiently cached, so chunks with lots of identical prints will only bake the print model once
    • Note that this is not the be-all and end-all of performance, there may still be a lot of vertex data to upload to the chunk
  • Prints can be crafted with beacon base blocks, honey blocks, and glowstone dust or blocks for additional features.

.3dj format

The 3dj format was created as a more versatile alternative for processing and storing 3D models compared to the old OpenComputers 3dm format. It uses JSON instead of Lua tables, so it is easier to work with programmatically.

There is an online .3dm to .3dj converter here:


All arguments except for shapesOff, shapesOn, and bounds are optional.

  "label": "...",
  "tooltip": "...",
  "isButton": false,
  "collideWhenOn": true,
  "collideWhenOff": true,
  "lightLevel": 0,
  "redstoneLevel": 0,
  "shapesOff": [
    { "bounds": [0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 16], "texture": "", "tint": "FFFFFF" },
    { "bounds": [0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 16], "texture": "", "tint": "FFFFFF" },
    { "bounds": [0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 16], "texture": "", "tint": "FFFFFF" }
  "shapesOn": [
    { "bounds": [0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 16], "texture": "", "tint": "FFFFFF" }  


  • label: (optional, string) The name of the 3D print, maximum 48 characters.
  • tooltip: (optional, string) The tooltip of the 3D print in the inventory, maximum 256 characters.
  • isButton: (optional, boolean) Whether the 3D print acts as a button when right-clicked. If true, the print will automatically switch to the 'off' state after 20 ticks when right-clicked. If false, right-clicking will toggle the state.
  • collideWhenOff: (optional, boolean) Whether the 3D print is collidable when in the 'off' state.
  • collideWhenOn: (optional, boolean) Whether the 3D print is collidable when in the 'on' state.
  • lightLevel: (optional, number) The light level of the 3D print. Must be between 0 or 15, but values above 7 will be clamped to 7 unless the print is later crafted with glowstone dust.
  • lightWhenOff: (optional, boolean) Whether the 3D print emits light when in the 'off' state.
  • lightWhenOn: (optional, boolean) Whether the 3D print emits light when in the 'on' state.
  • redstoneLevel: (optional, number) The redstone level of the 3D print. Must be between 0 or 15.
  • seatPos: (optional, array of numbers) The position of the seat on the 3D print. If not null or undefined, must be a array containing three numbers between 0.1 and 0.9, e.g. [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], where 0.5 is the center of the block. When not null or undefined, the print will be a seat that can be sat on by right-clicking.
  • shapesOff: (required, array of objects) The shapes of the 3D print when in the 'off' state. Each object in the array must have a bounds property with the bounds of the shape, an optional texture property with the texture of the shape, and an optional tint property with the tint of the shape, which may be a number or a hex string (RRGGBB).
    • bounds: (required, array of numbers) The bounds of the shape, in the format [minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ]. Numbers must be between 0 and 16 inclusive (16 is the edge of the block).
    • texture: (optional, string) The texture of the shape, including the namespace. For example, minecraft:block/stone or sc-peripherals:block/white. Use the texture analyzer item to find the texture of a block in the world. The sc-peripherals:block/white texture is available as a blank texture for tinting. If texture is not specified or empty string resulting shape is not rendered.
    • tint: (optional, number or string) The tint of the shape, as a hex string in the format RRGGBB, or a single decimal value.
  • shapesOn: (required, array of objects) Same as shapesOff, but for the 'on' state. To disallow state changes and have no 'on' state, pass an empty array.

Differences from 3dm

  • Uses JSON instead of Lua tables
  • emitRedstone renamed to redstoneLevel
  • collidable array is now two separate collideWhenOff, collideWhenOn boolean fields (default to true)
  • buttonMode renamed to isButton
  • shapes array has been separated into shapesOff, shapesOn
    • state field removed
    • tint in a shape may now be a number or a hex string (RRGGBB)

Wide Format Printer

Wide Format Printer

The Wide Format Printer is a peripheral that can print posters, which are map-like items that can be displayed in item frames with custom images. A poster is 128x128 pixels and has a customizable 64-color palette (including one transparent color). Like 3D prints, posters can have a custom label and tooltip.

The Wide Format Printer requires ink cartridges and paper to print posters.

.2dj format

A 2dj file is a JSON file with the following structure:

  "label":   "...", // (optional) The name of the poster, max 48 characters
  "tooltip": "...", // (optional) The tooltip of the poster in the inventory, max 256 characters
  "palette": [/* Up to 63 colors encoded as 0xRRGGBB integers, the transparent index 0 should not be included */],
  "pixels":  [/* 16384 (128*128) array of palette indices. 0 is transparent, 
                 1 is the first palette color, etc. */],
  "width":   128, // Width of the poster in pixels, not currently used
  "height":  128  // Height of the poster in pixels, not currently used

Poster palettes are limited to 63 colors plus one transparent color. The first color in the palette (index 0) is fully transparent, and the remaining 63 colors (index 1 onward) are fully opaque but customizable. By default, the posters use the same palette as vanilla maps, e.g. 0 is NONE, 1 is GRASS, 2 is SAND, etc.

Example .2dj file

.2dja format

A 2dja file is primarily a collection of 2dj files, encoded with the following structure:

  "title": "...", // (optional) The name of the collection of posters, not currently used
  "width": 1,     // (optional) Count of posters in a row, not currently used
  "height": 3,    // (optional) Count of posters in a column, not currently used
  "pages": [      // Array of 2dj files, length should be width * height if specified
    { /* ... */ },
    { /* ... */ },
    { /* ... */ }

Peripheral API - 3D Printer

A 3D Printer can be wrapped as a peripheral with the name 3d_printer, e.g.:

local printer = peripheral.wrap("3d_printer")

The 3D Printer has a local buffer of what to print, referred to here as the "model". A model has two shape sets (collections of "shapes", which are cuboids with a texture and tint), a set for the "on" state and a set for the "off" state. After adding the shapes to the model with printer.addShape(...) or printer.addShapes({ ... }) (recommended), it can be printed by committing it with printer.commit(count).

The printer will remember the model, so subsequent copies can be printed by committing again, or a new model can be printed by resetting the printer with printer.reset().

The two shape sets (off and on) have a limit of 128 shapes each, for a total of 256 shapes per model. The default state is "off".


For a practical example of the 3D Printer API, refer to the built-in print3d program.

printer.addShape(minX:number, minY:number, minZ:number, maxX:number, maxY:number, maxZ:number[, texture:string[, state:boolean[, tint:number]]])


Using printer.addShapes is preferred as it is significantly faster. Each individual addShape call will take at least 1 tick.

Adds a single shape (cuboid) to the model. The shape dimensions must be between 0 and 16 (inclusive) and the shape must not have a volume of 0. A maximum of 128 shapes can be added to a shape set.


minXnumberThe minimum X coordinate of this shape, between 0 and 16 (inclusive)
minYnumberThe minimum Y coordinate of this shape, between 0 and 16 (inclusive)
minZnumberThe minimum Z coordinate of this shape, between 0 and 16 (inclusive)
maxXnumberThe maximum X coordinate of this shape, between 0 and 16 (inclusive)
maxYnumberThe maximum Y coordinate of this shape, between 0 and 16 (inclusive)
maxZnumberThe maximum Z coordinate of this shape, between 0 and 16 (inclusive)
texturestring (optional)The texture identifier of this shape. Must be in the format modid:path/texture, e.g. minecraft:block/sandstone. You can right-click on any block with a Texture Analyzer to find the name of its textures.
stateboolean (optional)The shape set to put this shape in, false for the "off" state and true for the "on" state. Defaults to false.
tintnumber (optional)The color to tint this shape. Must be of the form 0xRRGGBB. Defaults to 0xFFFFFF (white).


Adds multiple shapes to the model. The shapes may be added to either shape set (or both in one batch) by specifying the state parameter. A maximum of 128 shapes can be added to a shape set, and 256 shapes to the model as a whole.

A shape passed to this function is a mixed table, where the first 6 elements are numbers are the bounds of the shape, and texture, state and tint may be provided as named keys.

An example shapes table:

local shapes = {
  -- Off state
  { 0, 0, 0, 16, 8,  16, texture = "minecraft:block/stone",     state = false, tint = 0xFF0000 },
  { 0, 8, 0, 16, 16, 16, texture = "minecraft:block/sandstone", state = false, tint = 0xFFFFFF },
  -- On state
  { 0, 0, 0, 16, 8,  16, texture = "minecraft:block/stone",     state = true,  tint = 0x0000FF },
  { 0, 8, 0, 16, 16, 16, texture = "minecraft:block/sandstone", state = true,  tint = 0xFFFFFF },

Shape table parameters

1numberThe minimum X coordinate of this shape, between 0 and 16 (inclusive)
2numberThe minimum Y coordinate of this shape, between 0 and 16 (inclusive)
3numberThe minimum Z coordinate of this shape, between 0 and 16 (inclusive)
4numberThe maximum X coordinate of this shape, between 0 and 16 (inclusive)
5numberThe maximum Y coordinate of this shape, between 0 and 16 (inclusive)
6numberThe maximum Z coordinate of this shape, between 0 and 16 (inclusive)
texturestring (optional)The texture identifier of this shape. Must be in the format modid:path/texture, e.g. minecraft:block/sandstone. You can right-click on any block with a Texture Analyzer to find the name of its textures.
stateboolean (optional)The shape set to put this shape in, false for the "off" state and true for the "on" state. Defaults to false.
tintnumber (optional)The color to tint this shape. Must be of the form 0xRRGGBB. Defaults to 0xFFFFFF (white).

printer.commit(count:number): boolean

Asynchronously begins printing the specified number of prints.

count must be greater than 0. Once a job has been committed, the printer will continue trying to print that number of items even if it runs out of ink or chamelium - it will simply wait for more resources to be added. If there is a different print in the printer's output slot, the job will still be committed, but printing will not begin until the other item is removed.

printer.getButtonMode(): boolean

Returns whether this print model is in button mode. This can be changed with printer.setButtonMode().

printer.getChameliumLevel(): number, number

Returns the amount of chamelium currently in the printer, and the maximum amount of chamelium the printer can store (currently 256000).

printer.getInkLevel(): number, number

Returns the amount of ink currently in the printer, and the maximum amount of ink the printer can store (currently 100000).

printer.getLabel(): string

Returns the label of this print model (the name shown on the item). This can be changed with printer.setLabel().

printer.getLightLevel(): number

Returns the light level of this print model. On the model, this will be between 0 and 7 (inclusive). This can be changed with printer.setLightLevel(). Higher light levels can be achieved by crafting the resulting print with glowstone dust.

printer.getMaxShapeCount(): number

Returns the maximum shape count per shape set (128).

printer.getRedstoneLevel(): number

Returns the light level of this print model. This will be between 0 and 15 (inclusive). This can be changed with printer.setRedstoneLevel().

printer.getShapeCount(): number, number

Returns the number of shapes for the "off" shape set and the "on" shape set, respectively.

printer.getTooltip(): string

Returns the tooltip (description) of the print item.

printer.isCollidable(): boolean, boolean

Returns whether print model is collidable in the "off" state and "on" state respectively.


Resets the current print buffer to start a new shape. Does not stop any ongoing print jobs.


Sets whether the print model is in button mode.

printer.setCollidable(collideWhenOff:boolean, collideWhenOn:boolean)

Sets whether the print model is collidable in the "off" state and "on" state respectively.


Sets the label (item name) of the print item.


Sets the light level of the print model. This must be between 0 and 7 (inclusive). Higher light levels can be achieved by crafting the resulting print with glowstone dust.


Sets the redstone level of the print model. This must be between 0 and 15 (inclusive).

printer.setStateLighting(lightWhenOff:boolean, lightWhenOn:boolean)

Sets whether the print model is emitting light in the "off" state and "on" state respectively.

printer.getSeatPos(): number, number, number

Returns the position of the seat on the print model. If the print model is not a seat, this will return nil, nil, nil.

printer.setSeatPos(x:number, y:number, z:number)

Sets the position of the seat on the print model. The positions must be between 0.1 and 0.9 for each axis, or nil to remove the seat.


Sets the tooltip (description) of the print item.

printer.status(): string, number|boolean

Returns the status and print progress of the printer.

Returned parameters

  • busy - The printer is currently printing an item.
  • idle - The printer is not currently printing anything.
progressnumber or booleanIf the printer is busy, then the progress of the current item in ticks, between 0 and 100 (5 seconds).
If the printer is idle, then true if it is ready to print (output slot is not blocked) or false if not.


Requests the printer to stop the print job after the current item.

3d_printer_state event

The 3d_printer_state event is emitted whenever a print job starts, stops, or the print model is changed.


statusstringThe current print status, see printer.status() for possible values.

3d_printer_complete event

The 3d_printer_complete event is emitted when a print item has been printed, i.e. once for each count in a committed print job.


remainingnumberThe number of items remaining in the print job.

Peripheral API - Wide Format Printer

A Wide Format Printer can be wrapped as a peripheral with the name poster_printer, e.g.:

local posterPrinter = peripheral.wrap("poster_printer")

The Wide Format Printer has a local buffer of what to print, referred to here as the "poster". A poster has a table of palette colors (63 colors, as index 0 is always transparent) and a table of pixels (16384 entries, 128*128). After blitting pixels to the poster with posterPrinter.blitPixels(...) and setting the palette with posterPrinter.blitPalette(...), the poster can be printed with posterPrinter.commit(count).

The printer will remember the poster data, so subsequent copies can be printed by committing again, or a new poster can be printed by resetting the printer with posterPrinter.reset().


For a practical example of the Wide Format Printer API, refer to the built-in poster program.

posterPrinter.setPixel(x:number, y:number, color:number)


Using posterPrinter.blitPixels is preferred as it is significantly faster. Each individual setPixel call will take at least 1 tick.

Sets the color of a single pixel in the poster. The color refers to the palette index and must be between 0 and 63 (inclusive). Palette index 0 is always transparent. The pixel coordinates must be between 1 and 128 (inclusive).

posterPrinter.blitPixels(x:number, y:number, pixels:table)

Sets multiple pixels in the poster. The pixels table must be a one-dimensional table of pixel colors, of maximum size 16384 (128 * 128). The pixel colors refer to the palette index and must be between 0 and 63 (inclusive). Palette index 0 is always transparent.

Pixels will wrap onto the next row (starting at x = 1) if the table is larger than the remaining space in the row. This means you can set the entire poster at once by calling blitPixels(1, 1, pixels), where pixels is a table of 16384 entries.

posterPrinter.setPaletteColor(index:number, red:number, green:number, blue:number)


Using posterPrinter.blitPalette is preferred as it is significantly faster. Each individual setPaletteColor call will take at least 1 tick.

Sets a single color in the poster palette. The palette index must be between 1 and 63 (inclusive). The color components must be between 0 and 255 (inclusive). Palette index 0 is always transparent, and cannot be changed.


Sets the palette of the poster. The palette table must be a one-dimensional table of colors, of maximum size 63. The first entry in the table is index 1, as index 0 is always transparent. This means you can pass a one-indexed Lua table directly as a palette. A color is represented as a 24-bit integer, where the first 8 bits are the red component, the next 8 bits are the green component, and the last 8 bits are the blue component. For example, 0xFF0000 is red, 0x00FF00 is green, and 0x0000FF is blue.


    0xFF0000, -- idx 1, Red
    0x00FF00, -- idx 2, Green
    0x0000FF, -- idx 3, Blue
    -- ... up to 63 entries

posterPrinter.commit(count:number): boolean

Asynchronously begins printing the specified number of posters.

count must be greater than 0. Once a job has been committed, the printer will continue trying to print that number of items even if it runs out of ink or paper - it will simply wait for more resources to be added. If there is a different poster in the printer's output slot, the job will still be committed, but printing will not begin until the other item is removed.

posterPrinter.getInkLevel(): number, number

Returns the amount of ink currently in the printer, and the maximum amount of ink the printer can store (currently 100000).

posterPrinter.getLabel(): string

Returns the label of this poster item (the name shown on the item). This can be changed with posterPrinter.setLabel().

posterPrinter.getTooltip(): string

Returns the tooltip (description) of the poster item.


Resets the current print buffer to start a new poster. Does not stop any ongoing print jobs.


Sets the label (item name) of the poster item.


Sets the tooltip (description) of the poster item.

posterPrinter.status(): string, number|boolean

Returns the status and print progress of the printer.

Returned parameters

  • busy - The printer is currently printing an item.
  • idle - The printer is not currently printing anything.
progressnumber or booleanIf the printer is busy, then the progress of the current item in ticks, between 0 and 100 (5 seconds).
If the printer is idle, then true if it is ready to print (output slot is not blocked) or false if not.


Requests the printer to stop the print job after the current item.

poster_printer_state event

The poster_printer_state event is emitted whenever a print job starts, stops, or the poster data is changed.


statusstringThe current print status, see posterPrinter.status() for possible values.

poster_printer_complete event

The poster_printer_complete event is emitted when a poster item has been printed, i.e. once for each count in a committed print job.


remainingnumberThe number of items remaining in the print job.