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Websocket API


You can access the chatbox API via websocket at wss:// Add your license key onto the end, e.g. wss://, or use wss:// to connect as a guest (only allowed in-game).

The API uses JSON for sending and receiving packets. Packet payloads will have a type property, and packets from the server will additionally contain an ok property, to let you know if something was successful or not.

When sending chat messages to the server, you can specify an integer id property to uniquely identify your packet. Then, when the message has been successfully sent, you will receive a success packet with the same id.

JavaScript/TypeScript API

AlexDevs has written a JavaScript/TypeScript package to integrate with the Chatbox API.

Rate limits

Messages can be sent at most once per 0.5 seconds per license, with up to 5 messages queued at once. Any more than that, and you will receive "error": "rate_limited".

Server-to-client packets

Hello packet

When you connect to the socket successfully, you will receive a hello payload that looks like this:

  "ok": true,
  "type": "hello",
  "guest": false,
  "licenseOwner": "Yemmel",
  "licenseOwnerUser": {
    "type": "ingame",
    "name": "Yemmel",
    "displayName": "Yemmel",
    "uuid": "07b382be-f2a8-4bf0-b9f5-c3a1b73c18c7",    
    /* ... the rest of the User Object */ 
  "capabilities": ["tell", "read", "command", "say"]

Players packet

If you have the read capability, you will also receive the players packet when you connect, and whenever somebody joins or leaves. It will contain an array of user objects as players:

  "type": "players",
  "ok": true,
  "time": "2019-02-18T15:16:24Z",
  "players": [{
    "type": "ingame",
    "name": "Yemmel",
    "displayName": "Yemmel",
    "uuid": "07b382be-f2a8-4bf0-b9f5-c3a1b73c18c7",
    "group": "admin",
    "pronouns": "he/they",
    "world": "minecraft:overworld",
    "afk": false,
    "alt": false,
    "bot": false,
    "supporter": 0,
    "linkedUser": { /* ... */ }

Event packet

When an event occurs, and you have the read capability, you will receive an event packet. It will have an event parameter specifying which type of event occurred. They may also contain a user object (player), source (player), text (string), rawText (string), and renderedText (raw JSON text).

The user property is a player object for all in-game events. The discordUser property is a Discord user object for Discord message events (chat_discord).

A full list of event types and the parameters they return can be found under Events.


Example of an event packet for the chat_ingame event:

  "type": "event",
  "event": "chat_ingame",
  "ok": true,
  "time": "2019-02-21T00:33:32+01:00",
  "edited": false,
  "text": "Hello world",
  "rawText": "Hello **world**",
  "renderedText": { /* ...raw JSON text... */ },
  "user": {
    "type": "ingame",
    "name": "Yemmel",
    "displayName": "Yemmel",
    "uuid": "07b382be-f2a8-4bf0-b9f5-c3a1b73c18c7",
    "group": "admin",
    "pronouns": "he/they",
    "world": "minecraft:overworld",
    "afk": false,
    "alt": false,
    "bot": false,
    "supporter": 0,
    "linkedUser": { /* ... */ }

Example of an event packet for a chat_discord event:

  "type": "event",
  "event": "chat_discord",
  "ok": true,
  "discordId": "693312311141597245", // The message snowflake ID
  "text": "test",
  "rawText": "test",
  "renderedText": { /* ...tellraw object... */ },
  "discordUser": {
    "type": "discord",
    "id": "478798120650670091",
    "name": "Lemmmy",
    "displayName": "Lemmmy",
    "discriminator": "8924",
    "roles": [{
      "id": "198138742333112320",
      "name": "Administrator",
      "colour": 15158332
    "linkedUser": { /* ... */ }
  "time": "2020-03-28T05:15:36+01:00",
  "edited": false,
  "id": -1

Example of an event packet for the death event:

  "type": "event",
  "ok": true,
  "time": "2020-03-28T04:13:20+01:00",
  "event": "death",
  "text": "Yemmel died",
  "renderedText": { /* ...raw JSON text... */ },
  "user": {
    "type": "ingame",
    "name": "Yemmel",
    "displayName": "Yemmel",
    "uuid": "07b382be-f2a8-4bf0-b9f5-c3a1b73c18c7",
    "group": "admin",
    "pronouns": "he/they",
    "world": "minecraft:overworld",
    "afk": false,
    "alt": false,
    "bot": false,
    "supporter": 0,
    "linkedUser": { /* ... */ }
  "source": { /* ...player object... */ },

Success packet

When sending chat messages to the server, you can specify an integer id property to uniquely identify your packet. Then, when the message has been successfully sent, you will receive a success packet with the same id.

If your message was sent immediately, the success reason will be message_sent. If you were rate limited and your message was added to the queue, the success reason will be message_queued.

Example of a success packet:

  "type": "success",
  "ok": true,
  "id": 1,
  "reason": "message_sent"

Error packet

When an error occurs, you will receive an error payload containing:

  • ok - false
  • type - error
  • error - The type of error that occurred.
  • message - A human-readable message describing the error.

Possible errors that you may receive:

invalid_jsonYou have a syntax error in your JSON.
not_connectedYour connection isn't ready yet - please wait for the 'hello' message before sending anything.
missing_typeThe 'type' argument is required.
unknown_typeUnrecognised message type.
unknown_errorAn unknown error occurred.
missing_capabilityYou don't have the required capability to run this.
missing_textThe 'text' argument is required.
missing_userThe 'user' argument is required.
unknown_userThat user is not online.
rate_limitedYou are sending too many messages, please slow down.
text_too_largeYour text is too large.
name_too_largeYour name is too large.

Closing packet

When your websocket connection is being closed by the server, you may receive a closing packet with the following:

  • ok - false
  • type - closing
  • closeReason - The reason your connection is being closed.
  • reason - A human-readable message describing the close reason.

Possible errors that you may receive:

Close reasonMessage
server_stoppingServer is restarting, please reconnect in a few minutes
external_guests_not_allowedExternal guests are not allowed
unknown_license_keyUnknown license key. Get one with /chatbox license register
invalid_license_keyInvalid license key. Get one with /chatbox license register
disabled_licenseYour license has been disabled. Please contact a member of staff
changed_license_keyYour license key was invalidated
fatal_errorA fatal error occurred.
unsupported_endpointUnsupported websocket endpoint. Supported endpoints: /v2/:token

Client-to-server packets

Say packet

Sends a message to the in-game public chat.

Packet parameters

  • type - say
  • text - The message to send.
  • name - (optional) The name of the chatbox to show. If no name is specified, it will default to the username of the license owner.
  • mode - (optional) The formatting mode to use. You can use these formatting modes:
    • markdown - (default) Discord-like Markdown syntax. Supports URLs, but not colours.
    • format - Minecraft-like formatting codes using ampersands (e.g. &e for yellow). Supports colours, but not URLs.
  • id - (optional) Numeric ID to identify this message. If specified, the success response packet will contain this ID so you can identify when this specific message has been sent.

Example of a say packet:

  "type": "say",
  "name": "My Bot", // name of the chatbox, as it appears in the chat
  "text": "Hello, world!",
  "mode": "markdown" // "markdown" or "format"

Tell packet

Sends a private message to an in-game player. The user parameter can be a player's username or a UUID. If the player is not online in-game, you will receive the unknown_user error.

Packet parameters

  • type - tell
  • user - The username or UUID of the user to send the message to.
  • text - The message to send.
  • name - (optional) The name of the chatbox to show. If no name is specified, it will default to the username of the license owner.
  • mode - (optional) The formatting mode to use. You can use these formatting modes:
    • markdown - (default) Discord-like Markdown syntax. Supports URLs, but not colours.
    • format - Minecraft-like formatting codes using ampersands (e.g. &e for yellow). Supports colours, but not URLs.
  • id - (optional) Numeric ID to identify this message. If specified, the success response packet will contain this ID so you can identify when this specific message has been sent.

Example of a tell packet:

  "type": "tell",
  "user": "Lemmmy",
  "name": "My Bot", // name of the chatbox, as it appears in the chat
  "text": "Hello, world!",
  "mode": "markdown" // "markdown" or "format"


Supported events:

  • chat_ingame - A player sent a message in-game.
  • chat_discord - A player sent a message from Discord.
  • chat_chatbox - A chatbox sent a message.
  • command - A player sent a chatbox command in-game (\command, ^command or |command).
  • join - A player joined the server. Will contain the user property.
  • leave - A player left the server. Will contain the user property.
  • death - A player died. Will contain the user, text and renderedText properties, and may also contain the source property, if one exists.
  • world_change - A player changed worlds. Will contain the user property.
  • afk - A player went AFK (/afk). Will contain the user property.
  • afk_return - A player returned from being AFK (/afk). Will contain the user property.
  • server_restart_scheduled - The server will restart soon.
  • server_restart_cancelled - The scheduled server restart was cancelled.

In-game chat event

The event received when a player posts a message in public chat.

NameTypeArgument Description
textstringThe message contents, without formatting codes.
rawTextstringThe message contents, with its original formatting codes.
renderedTextJSON textThe message contents, serialised with formatting as Minecraft JSON text.
userUser objectThe in-game player who sent the message.
timestringThe time (as ISO-8601) this message was sent according to the server.
Example payload of the chat_ingame event
  "ok": true,
  "type": "event",
  "id": -1,
  "event": "chat_ingame",
  "text": "Hello, world!",
  "rawText": "Hello, world!",
  "renderedText": {
    "extra": [
        "text": "Hello, world!"
    "text": ""
  "user": {
    "type": "ingame",
    "name": "Lemmmy",
    "uuid": "cdb33b76-a445-47a1-b13d-94f34e006243",
    "displayName": "Lemmmy",
    "group": "default",
    "pronouns": "he/they",
    "world": "minecraft:overworld",
    "afk": false,
    "alt": false,
    "bot": false,
    "supporter": 0,
    "linkedUser": { /* ... */ }
  "time": "2022-07-12T18:54:01+01:00"

Discord chat event

The event received when a player posts a message in Discord.

NameTypeArgument Description
textstringThe message contents, without Markdown formatting codes.
rawTextstringThe message contents, with its original Markdown formatting codes.
renderedTextJSON textThe message contents, serialised with formatting as Minecraft JSON text.
discordIdstringThe Discord snowflake ID of this message.
discordUserDiscord userThe Discord user who sent the message.
editedbooleantrue if this event represents an edit to the original message.
timestringThe time (as ISO-8601) this message was sent according to Discord.
Example payload of the chat_discord event
  "ok": true,
  "type": "event",
  "id": -1,
  "event": "chat_discord",
  "text": "Hello, world!",
  "rawText": "Hello, world!",
  "renderedText": {
    "extra": [
        "text": "Hello, world!"
    "text": ""
  "discordId": "996474482015350814",
  "discordUser": {
    "type": "discord",
    "id": "478798120650670091",
    "name": "Lemmmy",
    "displayName": "remi",
    "discriminator": "4600",
    "avatar": "",
    "roles": [{
      "id": "198138742333112320",
      "name": "Administrator",
      "colour": 15158332
    "linkedUser": { /* The linked Minecraft player, if available */ }
  "edited": false,
  "time": "2022-07-12T18:53:50+01:00"

Chatbox chat event

The event received when another chatbox sends a message.

NameTypeArgument Description
textstringThe message contents, without formatting codes.
rawTextstringThe message contents, with its original formatting codes.
renderedTextJSON textThe message contents, serialised with formatting as Minecraft JSON text.
userUser objectThe owner of the chatbox that sent the message.
namestringThe name of the chatbox, without formatting codes.
rawNamestringThe name of the chatbox, with its original formatting codes.
timestringThe time (as ISO-8601) this message was sent according to the server.
Example payload of the chat_chatbox event
  "ok": true,
  "type": "event",
  "id": -1,
  "event": "chat_chatbox",
  "text": "Hello, world!",
  "rawText": "Hello, world!",
  "renderedText": {
    "text": "Hello, world!"
  "user": {
    "type": "ingame",
    "name": "Yemmel",
    "uuid": "07b382be-f2a8-4bf0-b9f5-c3a1b73c18c7",
    "displayName": "Yemmel",
    "group": "default",
    "pronouns": "he/they"
  "name": "Example",
  "rawName": "Example",
  "time": "2022-07-12T19:05:28+01:00"

Command event

The event received when a player runs a chatbox command (public backslash commands: \command, private owner-only caret/pipe commands: ^command) in-game. The command capability is required to receive command events.

NameTypeArgument Description
userUser objectThe in-game player who ran the command.
commandstringThe name of the command (the word immediately following the backslash/caret/pipe, excluding the backslash/caret/pipe).
argsstring[]Array of space-separated string arguments after the command.
ownerOnlybooleantrue if the command is an owner-only command (^command).
timestringThe time (as ISO-8601) this command was sent according to the server.
Example payload of the command event (\example arg1 arg2 arg3)
  "ok": true,
  "type": "event",
  "id": -1,
  "event": "command",
  "user": {
    "type": "ingame",
    "name": "Lemmmy",
    "uuid": "cdb33b76-a445-47a1-b13d-94f34e006243",
    "displayName": "Lemmmy",
    "group": "default",
    "pronouns": "he/they",
    "world": "minecraft:overworld",
    "afk": false,
    "alt": false,
    "bot": false,
    "supporter": 0,
    "linkedUser": { /* ... */ }
  "command": "example",
  "args": [
  "ownerOnly": false,
  "time": "2022-07-12T19:08:02+01:00"

Join event

The event received when a player joins the game.

NameTypeArgument Description
userUser objectThe in-game player who joined.
timestringThe time (as ISO-8601) the player joined according to the server.
Example payload of the join event
  "ok": true,
  "type": "event",
  "id": -1,
  "event": "join",
  "user": {
    "type": "ingame",
    "name": "Lemmmy",
    "uuid": "cdb33b76-a445-47a1-b13d-94f34e006243",
    "displayName": "Lemmmy",
    "group": "default",
    "pronouns": "he/they"
  "time": "2022-07-12T20:10:07+01:00"

Leave event

The event received when a player leaves the game.

NameTypeArgument Description
userUser objectThe in-game player who left.
timestringThe time (as ISO-8601) the player left according to the server.
Example payload of the leave event
  "ok": true,
  "type": "event",
  "id": -1,
  "event": "leave",
  "user": {
    "type": "ingame",
    "name": "Lemmmy",
    "uuid": "cdb33b76-a445-47a1-b13d-94f34e006243",
    "displayName": "Lemmmy",
    "group": "default",
    "pronouns": "he/they"
  "time": "2022-07-12T20:10:07+01:00"

Death event

The event received when a player dies in-game.

NameTypeArgument Description
textstringThe death message contents, without formatting codes.
rawTextstringThe death message contents, with its original formatting codes.
renderedTextJSON textThe death message contents, serialised with formatting as Minecraft JSON text.
userUser objectThe in-game player who died.
sourceUser objectThe player that killed this player (if available), or null.
timestringThe time (as ISO-8601) this player died according to the server.
Example payload of the death event
  "ok": true,
  "type": "event",
  "id": -1,
  "event": "death",
  "text": "Yemmel fell out of the world",
  "rawText": "Yemmel fell out of the world",
  "renderedText": {
    "text": "Yemmel fell out of the world"
  "user": {
    "type": "ingame",
    "name": "Yemmel",
    "uuid": "07b382be-f2a8-4bf0-b9f5-c3a1b73c18c7",
    "displayName": "Yemmel",
    "group": "default",
    "pronouns": "he/they",
    "world": "minecraft:overworld",
    "afk": false,
    "alt": false,
    "bot": false,
    "supporter": 0,
    "linkedUser": { /* ... */ }
  "time": "2022-07-12T20:37:00+01:00"

World change event

The event received when a player changes worlds.

NameTypeArgument Description
userUser objectThe in-game player who changed worlds.
originstringThe identifier string of the world the player has moved from.
destinationstringThe identifier string of the world the player is now in.
Example payload of the world_change event
  "ok": true,
  "type": "event",
  "id": -1,
  "event": "world_change",
  "user": {
    "type": "ingame",
    "name": "Yemmel",
    "uuid": "07b382be-f2a8-4bf0-b9f5-c3a1b73c18c7",
    "displayName": "Yemmel",
    "group": "default",
    "pronouns": "he/they",
    "world": "minecraft:the_nether",
    "afk": true
  "origin": "minecraft:overworld",
  "destination": "minecraft:the_nether"

AFK event

The event received when a player goes AFK in-game.

NameTypeArgument Description
userUser objectThe in-game player who went AFK.
timestringThe time (as ISO-8601) this player went AFK according to the server.
Example payload of the afk event
  "ok": true,
  "type": "event",
  "id": -1,
  "event": "afk",
  "user": {
    "type": "ingame",
    "name": "Yemmel",
    "uuid": "07b382be-f2a8-4bf0-b9f5-c3a1b73c18c7",
    "displayName": "Yemmel",
    "group": "default",
    "pronouns": "he/they",
    "world": "minecraft:overworld",
    "afk": true
  "time": "2022-07-12T20:43:37+01:00"

AFK return event

The event received when a player returns from being AFK in-game.

NameTypeArgument Description
userUser objectThe in-game player who returned from being AFK.
timestringThe time (as ISO-8601) this player returned from being AFK according to the server.
Example payload of the afk_return event
  "ok": true,
  "type": "event",
  "id": -1,
  "event": "afk_return",
  "user": {
    "type": "ingame",
    "name": "Yemmel",
    "uuid": "07b382be-f2a8-4bf0-b9f5-c3a1b73c18c7",
    "displayName": "Yemmel",
    "group": "default",
    "pronouns": "he/they",
    "world": "minecraft:overworld",
    "afk": false,
    "alt": false,
    "bot": false,
    "supporter": 0,
    "linkedUser": { /* ... */ }
  "time": "2022-07-12T20:55:40+01:00"

Server restart scheduled event

The event received when a server restart has been scheduled. At the time of restartAt, the server will restart and the websocket will be disconnected with server_stopping (4000).

If a server restart was scheduled before the websocket connected, then the server_restart_scheduled packet will be sent after the hello packet. In this case, restartSeconds will not be the time until the restart, but instead the time that was initially specified for the restart. time will still be the initial time the restart was scheduled, and restartAt will be the time the restart will happen.

NameTypeArgument Description
restartTypestringThe type of restart. Will be "automatic" or "manual".
restartSecondsnumberThe number of seconds specified until the server restart.
restartAtstringThe time (as ISO-8601) that the server will restart.
timestringThe time (as ISO-8601) that this restart was scheduled.
Example payload of the server_restart_scheduled event
  "ok": true,
  "type": "event",
  "id": -1,
  "event": "server_restart_scheduled",
  "restartType": "manual",
  "restartSeconds": 60,
  "restartAt": "2022-07-16T03:23:17+01:00",
  "time": "2022-07-16T03:22:17+01:00"

Server restart cancelled event

The event received when a previously scheduled server restart has now been cancelled.

NameTypeArgument Description
restartTypestringThe type of restart. Will be "automatic" or "manual".
timestringThe time (as ISO-8601) that this restart was cancelled.
Example payload of the server_restart_cancelled event
  "ok": true,
  "type": "event",
  "id": -1,
  "event": "server_restart_cancelled",
  "restartType": "manual",
  "time": "2022-07-16T03:24:46+01:00"

Data types

The following data types may be returned by the API:

User object

The user object represents an in-game player.

The group is the rank of the player. Valid groups are:

  • default - The default player group
  • admin - Staff of the server

The pronouns string is the pronouns set by the user by running /pronouns. This may be null if the player has not set any preferred pronouns. Where reasonably possible, you should attempt to use the user's preferred pronouns, or avoid using pronouns entirely. If you are unable to do this, you should use the player's name instead.

The world may be the world the player is in, or null if this information is not available. It will be a Minecraft namespaced registry key, for example:

  • minecraft:overworld - The overworld
  • minecraft:the_nether - The Nether
  • minecraft:the_end - The End

The supporter field is the current public tier of the player's supporter status. This will be 0 if the player is not a supporter or has opted out of showing their supporter tag, 1 for a Tier 1 supporter, 2 for a Tier 2 supporter, and 3 for a Tier 3 supporter.

If the player has linked their Discord account to their Minecraft account, then the linkedUser field will be present and will contain the linked Discord user (as a Discord user object). The nested Discord user will not contain another linkedUser field to avoid recursive serialization.

Example of a user object:

  "type": "ingame",
  "name": "Lemmmy",
  "uuid": "cdb33b76-a445-47a1-b13d-94f34e006243",
  "displayName": "Lemmmy", // the name as it appears in chat, may differ from `name`
  "group": "admin",
  "pronouns": "he/they",
  "world": "minecraft:overworld",
  "afk": false,
  "alt": false,
  "bot": false,
  "supporter": 0,
  "linkedUser": { 
    /* The linked Discord user, if available */
    "type": "discord",
    /* ... */

Discord user object

The Discord user object represents a user on Discord. If the user has linked their Discord account to their Minecraft account, then the linkedUser field will be present and will contain the linked Minecraft player (as a user object). The nested Minecraft player will not contain another linkedUser field to avoid recursive serialization.

Example of a Discord user object:

  "type": "discord",
  "id": "478798120650670091",
  "name": "Lemmmy",
  "displayName": "remi",
  "discriminator": "4600",
  "avatar": "",
  "roles": [{
    "id": "198138742333112320",
    "name": "Administrator",
    "colour": 15158332
  "linkedUser": { 
    /* The linked Minecraft player, if available */ 
    "type": "ingame",
    /* ... */

Raw JSON text object

Messages will be accompanied by their string representation (text) as well as their in-game rich text representation (renderedText). The rendered text is serialised as a JSON object conforming to the Minecraft raw JSON text format. As rendered text is generated automatically by the server, it is not guaranteed that you will receive the same JSON for every version, and the serialised form may not be optimal or compact.

Example of JSON text:

  "renderedText": {
    "extra": [
        "text": "Hello, world! "
        "bold": true,
        "text": "This text is bold."
    "text": ""